Read about the results of our survey on cannabis consumption amidst the pandemic.

Following the announcement of the Quebec government’s decision to close down schools and non-essential workplaces as well as to restrict social interactions in early March in order to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Project VoxCann became interested in trying to understand how these strict public health measures have affected our audience’s cannabis consumption patterns.
On April 6th, VoxCann created and shared an online survey on its social media platforms which sought to collect information on the impact of COVID-19 certain aspects of cannabis consumption: initial reasons for use and supply sources, changes in patterns of consumption and supply as well as associated feelings and perceived challenges related to social distancing measures and the general uncertain nature of the current global crisis. Through voluntary response, 54 participants answered our survey and provided us with a valuable outlook on the diverse ways in which the sudden disruption of an individual’s daily routine and overall life structure affects their cannabis use and the feelings associated with their new personal consumption patterns.
If you are interested in reading our full report on the impact of COVID-19 on cannabis consumption, click the link here.