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CÉGEP du Vieux Montréal: Discussing Cannabis Use with Youth

At the heart of our original mission, VoxCann met students from the Cégep du Vieux Montréal for a round-table and a week later with the educational professionals.

This was a gratifying experience, which built a strong collaboration between the school-based organization Radar and Project VoxCann. Our roundtable took place in a widely-used study place for students inviting them to share their experience or questions in a safe, inclusive and non-judgmental environment. During our roundtable, the VoxCann team was happy to hear many enlightened students on the subject of cannabis use.

Students had a clear understanding of the law of effect and pointed out the importance of better educating youth on cannabis. Worries and questions surfaced especially around the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis. The VoxCann team was able to provide medically-accurate information and community-based resources to the students to guide them, strengthening their thirst for knowledge. The legality of cannabis was also an important gray area as the transition between the legal age of consumption from 18 to 21 was not clearly explained to students. The roundtable was also a fundamental learning experience for the VoxCann facilitators as youth consumption patterns change and need to be understood. In conclusion, the roundtable fermented an active and lifting conversation where students were free to express their questions, their knowledge or lack thereof in a stigma-free environment. Different stories, experiences were shared with confidence and students active on campus called for greater cooperation between community-based organizations and the school when it comes to cannabis use.


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